This is a blog written by a christian about video games, it has game reviews and such and should be very interesting for anyone who plays and/or knows someone who plays video games.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Christian ProGamer

wlecome to The Christian ProGamer, this i a blog that i will put christian game reviews on. now since there is a sad shortage of "christian" games the reviews will be about main stream games. i will write about games for GameBoy, Xbox, Nintendo 64 (it's out of date but some people still play it), and computer, because these are the things i own games for. if you have any games that you want me to write a review about i will either try to play the game and write the review or i will try to find a christian who plays video games and who has the game and who would be willing to write a review. if you are a christian who plays video games and is interested in writing games reviews from a christian view point please comment on the blog and i will be in touch. the main purpose of this blog is for people who have kids or friends who play video games but know nothing about video games themselves to be able to read about what is in these games (you wouldn't believe how many people unknowningly allow thier kids to play pretty bad games. you want an example? i know many 12 year olds who play a game called grand theft auto that has a rating of M, M means mature ages 17+. not 12. and frankly even though this is an extremely popular game i don't think 12 year olds should play games with prostitutes in them). and the other purpose of this blog is for those people out there who play video games and want to know more about what games they play, and want to know what games to buy. and now, enjoy as i write my first game review....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

GREAT idea Chris!!!!!!
Good luck.
Maybe you can learn how to create Christian video games.
I know one guy who spent one year of self studying how to illustrate games. Then he took his knowledge and went to the top 3 game companies, got a job in one.

Sep 3, 2005, 8:56:00 AM

Blogger Breanna Monique said...

STUPENDOUS IDEA!!! Why can't there be more teenage guys out there who think that secular video games are getting extremely bad and out of control? It would be really awesome if there were more Christian video games on the market. That would be an excellent testimony. My brother wants to be a video game designer, and he's a Christian, so he will be making games that actually don't mess with your mind so much that you begin to think that stuff like murder is okay!!! Anyways, completely awesome idea, Chris!

Dec 5, 2005, 12:55:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to
have this kind of blog.

Do you know what the Christian
review would be of the "Need for
Speed, Most Wanted" would be?

Is it suitable for an eight year old?


Dec 30, 2005, 1:55:00 AM


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